Obtaining Perfect Curls!

Raise your hand if you have a thick lock of curly hair and are satisfied with the products you use and the result obtained. This article is dedicated to you curly ones, clients who are often misunderstood and ill-advised: we want to take care of your “crown”.

We assume that the term “curly hair” actually embraces different types of hair, which need extremely different products. What are the steps to follow in the daily routine to enhance the shape and texture of waves and curls? What are the most suitable products for this hair category? 

The keyword is to moisturise: never give up on conditioner or mask, but it is also important to nourish the hair with specific sprays, avoiding alcohol-based formulations.

Another recommended technique for obtaining perfect curls is to apply styling products to very wet hair. The curl is formed during drying: the slower the drying, the better. Choosing the right product, based on the type of curl, is not easy, but neither is it impossible. 

INSIGHT has created a line dedicated to all the needs of curly hair. Discover Elasti-Curl and reactivate your curls!